joint ET Industrial Advisory Board

Want to collaborate & participate to our joint ET Industrial Advisory Board ( ET IAB)?

The Einstein telescope and E-TEST are pushing the technology beyond the current state of the art in many areas, both for the prototype of interferometer and for geological investigation of the subsurface.

As part of E-TEST, we have established a joint ET Industrial Advisory Board (joint ET IAB) with the ETpathfinder and ET2SMEs projects to facilitate close collaboration with various industrial partners, both SMEs and large companies.

This ET Industrial Advisory Board will meet one to twice a year for the duration of the involved projects, until the end of 2023.

To join the ET IAB, please fill out the form below.

Please note that a registration to the ET IAB in general does not automatically include a registration to our next events. A separate registration per individual event is necessary for organisational reasons.

    By filling out this form, I agree to the storage of my data for participation in the joint ET Advisory Board and the E-TEST project.

    Following your registration, you will receive a confirmation e-mail at the address you provided. This may arrive with a delay, please check your spam folder to be on the safe side.